September 2, 2012

Moose Tracks Takes on Cancer

To me, ice cream is the food of the gods, but there is only really one flavor that I truly crave: Moose Tracks. It consists of vanilla ice cream with peanut butter cups and ribbons of chocolate fudge. How can this heavenly combination be wrong? I tried moose tracks for the first time when I was about twenty years old. I had just found out that I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so I stopped by the store on my way home to get some "comfort" food, which usually included ice cream. I browsed through the freezer section and the interesting packaging got my attention. I read the label and my curiosity was peaked. I decided to grab it and give it a try.

When I got it home, I grabbed a spoon and napkin and then sat down on the couch to watch my go to movie when I get depressed: The Godfather. Do not ask why I watch that movie when I get depressed, just understand that it sometimes cheers me up. Moving on, I open the lid of the carton, dip my spoon in, and take my first bite. I am in heaven. The sweet, glorious, amazing taste makes everything seem to feel better. Obviously it cannot make the cancer go away, but at least it acts as a temporary tranquilizer while I try to process and think about what is going to happen to me. Since then, I have changed my life dramatically and very rarely eat ice cream, but when I do it takes me back and reminds me of how far I have come since I survived cancer.


  1. Sounds good! Next time I go to the store I'll definitely get some. I like the way you write, all professional and stuff.:) You did not fill in all the requirements Mrs. Kirkman. That's cheating!!

  2. I used a rhetorical question in the first paragraph, an asyndeton list in the second paragraph, and my story was pathos. I fulfilled the requirements of the assignment.
